Jul 31, 2009

Catch Up!

So just a little catch up since I have been so busy and have not been able to update my blog.
1st off, I found out that I was accepted to the Nursing program at UVU. I had been so nervous to apply because of the fear of being regected. I finally over came my fears and finally got the grades I needed. I applied and who would have guessed but I finally accomplished a pretty big goal. My dad always used to tell me that those who gave up got no where in life and he was right. I am so glad that I didnt give up because I am finally going to be able to start doing something that I have wanted to do all my life and I will be able to get out of a dead end job. Just before my dad died I promised him that I would accomplish this goal and I finally feel like I can be proud of myself. Not just for my dad, but for myself and my wonderful husband who has been so supportive through this whole process and how horrible I become when I am stressed because I want to get the best possible grades. Yay for the next two years.


Ashlee Salisbury said...

good job morgan, Iam so proud of you, you will do awesome... yaaa for the next 2 yrs ahead..